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Products tagged with 'Day-to-Day Management'

DVD - Survivor, Self-Storage Edition: Thriving in an Increasingly Saturated Market

Learn what it takes to compete in an increasingly saturated market including operational improvements to boost efficiency and ways to demonstrate your value proposition.

DVD - Tax-Reform Strategies for Self-Storage: A Trifecta for Improving Facility Cash Flow

Leverage current tax laws by learning how to use the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 2014 repair regulations, and a cost-segregation analysis to maximize self-storage cash flow, all while ensuring compliance.

DVD - Tax-Saving Strategies for Self-Storage Businesses

Learn how to mitigate taxes, including how TPR rules affect your self-storage business, what’s an expense vs. capitalization, how to take advantage of a potential Trump tax-rate cut and more.

DVD - Technology Trends to Welcome in a Progressively Virtual Self-Storage Landscape

Self-storage operators are adopting “smart” systems at an unprecedented level. Learn how to leverage new technology to streamline your business and gain a competitive edge in a post-COVID world.

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